6 Easy Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting!

Dear Colonics Queen, I can’t believe it! Today I stood on the scales and thought OMG are they lying…?!! I’m sure they must be broken, as I can’t weight that much…. But if I do, how did this happen? I want to scream, or cry (or both) and am currently lying in a heap on...

Step 1 – A New Year’s health review!

So here we are 2014! Wow so where has the last 12 months gone? Have you over indulged over the festivities? With a New Year comes resolutions…….so have you decided what your New Year’s resolutions are going to be? A good start is actually doing a review. By that what...

The New Year Resolution rules!

Its that time of year when most of us will review and make New Year’s Resolutions, unfortunately research shows only 12% of people actually stick to them! Follow these simple rules below to increase your chances!  The Resolution ...

My 7 Secrets of Happiness

Having just been on holiday, I sat by the beach looking out on beautiful clear water and looking at my 2 greatest gifts and achievements; my 2 sons playing in the sea. It got me thinking what are the secrets of being happy? I suppose it all depends on you as a person...