Well, what a manic 2 weeks it has been…I am now back full time at the Lowry Spa treating all you lovely clients. It has been amazing to see you all and hear about your stories over the past few months and in some cases longer!
A lovely client who came to see me this week said, “Helen can you please get rid of my Covid comfort cushion”! She did make me smile.
As things are starting to re-open some of you may be going back to working in an office after 12 months, some may be continuing to #workfromhome, some might never have stopped doing what you do, but many habits have changed considerably and will probably change again. But some of these are the habits that can affect our digestion…and this month is IBS awareness month, so it is a perfect opportunity to focus on ways to help when you get a flare-up or if possible, prevent one.
IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome can affect up to 15% of the UK population, and it is one of the most common digestive complaints in the UK so much so that we have an IBS awareness month in April every year!
People in the medical world find it all rather a mystery and one of the reasons for that is there are multiple factors linked with IBS.
With IBS there is a large range of symptoms my clients can suffer from ranging from constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain, heartburn and indigestion and other issues too….Plus remember if your gut isn’t working properly then it can lead to other health problems like bad breath (and who wants that)! fatigue, skin problems, headaches, issues with the bladder and gynaecological problems too.
To get to “the bottom of the matter” pardon the pun – you need to look at the whole picture.
A colonic is a great way to give you a fresh start. In fact, I had my colonic last week to keep me focused on my health which then helps me to focus on yours! (Visit my Instagram for a cheeky video).
Please find my hints and tips which I hope you will find helpful to prevent not just an IBS flare up but help develop good lifestyle habits.
8 Steps To A Healthier Gut.
Looking forward to seeing you over the next few months and then when I can, I will be having a holiday hopefully somewhere hot!
Take care and continue to keep safe!