A clean, strong and well functioning colon is essential to maintaining optimal health.
While an unclean, weak and poorly functioning colon, is a breeding ground for disease, sickness and death. Serious health problems can arise if the colon is not properly cared for, and based on the statistics, colon health care in the UK has been woefully neglected.
In the United Kingdom alone, many million’s of pounds is spent annually on laxatives. This year an estimated 20,000 new cases of colon and rectal cancer will be diagnosed.
Colon cancer is believed to be the second leading cancer killer in the United Kingdom, second only to lung cancer in men, and breast cancer in women.
Good colon health is as much a function of the quality of food we eat, as it is our elimination status. The typical British diet comprised of refined, processed foods,high in saturated fats, sugar, flour, preservatives and low in fibre, inevitably causes problems for the colon. Over time, the colon will lose the ability to process vital nutrients, absorb water and to eliminate faecal matter from the body, a condition commonly known as ‘constipation’.
Constipation is commonly identified as a condition where the faecal matter is so tightly packed together, that bowel movements are infrequent, with difficulty and much straining.
But many people are constipated without even recognising the condition!
Old hardened faeces stick to the walls of the colon. The passage through which the faeces are forced to travel is much reduced, so that stools are narrow in diameter. In our society, bowel movements of the chronically constipated, may be looked upon as being ‘normal’ stools!
Most people have no any idea how much old, hardened, faecal matter is lodged within their colons. Many experts believe that the average person has 5 to 20 pounds of accumulated waste matter in their colon. While not a weight loss procedure . . . it is interesting to note that many people who complete a series of colon hydrotherapy sessions, often report significant weight losses.
Colon toxicity can be the underlying cause of many of these commonly reported health problems and may indicate the need for colon hydrotherapy:
- Constipation
- Backaches
- Diarrhoea
- Skin Problems
- Irritability
- Difficult Weight Loss
- Insomnia
- Hypertension
- Headaches
- Arthritis
- Distended Abdomen
- Chronic Fatigue
- Depression
- Frequent Colds
- Food Cravings
- Foul Body Odour
- Haemorrhoids
- Allergies
- Bad Breath/Halitosis
- Asthma
- Prostate Trouble
- Hypoglycaemia
- Abdominal Gas
- Menstrual Problems