As you know my passion is looking after yourself, you need to show yourself some love and you’ve got to love your gut! What better way to love yourself than with a colonic!
As you’re aware I do colonics most days, on all my lovely clients.
There are many questions I get asked. One of the most common is – “Can you do colonic hydrotherapy on yourself?!” Well my response has always been a firm No!
But recently, while chatting with my fellow Colon Hydrotherapists, we were discussing what we get up to in our spare time. One Hydrotherapist admitted that she did a bit of DIY Colonics and used the same system as me. And so a seed was sown.
Now, I walk the walk and talk the talk and I make sure I have my own colonics at regular intervals. After all, I’ve got to project the results to my clients!
My own need for colonics started after I contracted a bout of salmonella from some dodgy chicken in Morocco a very long time ago (and I was also working in the corporate world, which was also very stressful!). Now it helps keep my skin in good condition (and of course keeps up my youthful good looks!).
I had my last colonic at the end of 2016 and due to life (kids, work, and you all know how it gets sometimes), I suddenly realised that I hadn’t had another one since! So I thought “Helen, if she can do it, so can we. Let’s give this DIY Colonics ago!!”
So off I start! I won’t go into specific detail, but I will say thank God for yoga and flexibility! Let’s just say it wasn’t exactly the usual relaxing treatment I was used to! After two tanks of water I decided enough was enough, so off I went to the toilet….4 times! I was in need of the colonic more than I thought!
After a while, I started to feel better. I thought “This is okay, I can do this anytime”!
My next client arrived at this point and she got ready for her treatment. We were having a good old chin wag, relaxing. All of a sudden, about five minutes into her treatment I had the overwhelming urge to run to the loo! Blimey, I thought! So I had to excuse myself – advised her to lie still and clench (which I have never had to do in 13 years of practice by the way!) and ran to the toilet.
I returned 2 minutes later feeling a whole load better and started her treatment again. All was well in the world. Hilarious!
I did feel so much better after my treatment, BUT I have got to say I very much doubt I will repeat that same DIY Colonic experience! DIY SOS more like it! Don’t try this at home!!
Next time, I’ll leave it to one of my colleagues to work their magic on me – I much prefer the relaxed approach!
Still, the next time I get asked about if I love myself enough to DIY, I can now say hand on heart I certainly do!! I wonder what else the #colonicsqueen can get up to?