So you have reviewed where you currently are health wise. So the next step is to set goals.
Do you want to lose weight and get fitter and healthier?
Would you like to run up and down the stairs without feeling shattered?
Do you want to reduce your cholesterol or lower your blood pressure maybe?
It doesn’t actually matter what your goal is or how many there are, the most important thing is for you to achieve them. It could be as simple as taking your lunch to work for the month of February so you can eat healthier and save money. Perhaps it’s going for a 30 minute walk 3/5 lunchtimes instead of drinking that fattening latte!
Start by taking your measurements and statistics of your body composition and make your goals, then write them in a notebook or put them somewhere you can see or in the food diary you are going to create.
Remember to:
- Tell your friends, your family and your workmates about your goals so everyone knows and can support you – it’s harder to break your plan when everyone is cheering you on and asking how you are doing.
- Keep a daily log of how you are doing – record your successes and your failures and learn from them. Set up a chart or download an app to record your daily log.
- Be clear why you want to do each of these things. How will each goal make you feel when you succeed? It’s actually the feeling that motivates us to want to make the change
- Set a time frame to keep up the good work. Science shows us that doing anything repetitively for 21 days makes it become a habit.
Check out these Google picks of the top 20 health and fitness apps to keep you on track!
Share your goals in the comments below!