Good nutrition is just one part of a healthy lifestyle. Another component of health and fitness is exercise. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you need to get out and get moving. If you want to lose weight, it is important to increase aerobic activity like walking or running. If you need to increase your strength, then you need to start resistance trainig such as lifting weights.

There are health clubs, gyms, personal trainers as well as at-home equipment to get you fit and healthy. You also need to know how much food you should eat before you exercise. 

Do you smoke? If so, you’ll do yourself a favour by quitting. Smoking has been connected to so many chronic diseases… plus you will save a lot of money over the next year if you quit smoking. If you’ve made the decision to quit, here’s some useful websites to help you:

NHS Smokefee


How much alcohol do you drink? One drink per day has been shown to be beneficial. More than one drink per day can be detrimental to your health, however. If you find yourself drinking more than one 250ml glass of wine or 1.5 pints a beer each day, then you should look at decreasing your consumption of alcohol. If you’re not sure on what a unit of alcohol is like, check out following website to tot up those units:

Drink Aware.

And if you need some extra motivation to kickstart a new exercise regime here’s the NHS Change for Life video to inspire you and set goals!