Getting back to work! Complete Health Clinic Re-opens!

Hello There! Well, I am currently on the countdown, as I can get back to work when the Lowry Hotel opens on 1st August yipppeeee!! As much as I have loved the time I have had working on my business, learning new skills not to mention launching a new 21 day Rest Your...

How boundaries help you love yourself.

Boundaries are all about loving yourself. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – even though February and Valentine’s Day reminds us all to tell our nearest and dearest that we love them, it’s also a time to stop and reflect on how we can give ourselves a little...

Learn To Love Your Liver

You might not think to love your liver. Sure, you know that drinking too much alcohol will have a bad effect on it, but really, what else does it do and why should you look after it? It’s not just something you eat with onions and mash! The liver’s main job is to work...

How to Prepare Your Digestive System for Christmas

The countdown to Christmas is in full swing. We all want to eat, drink and be merry, but we’re also worrying about overdoing it! Digestive symptoms due to overeating or drinking can be painful.  Waking up in the night with acid reflux is not going to make you very...