by Helen | Jan 27, 2022 | General
Hello! Well, how are we all doing as we see the 1st month of the year nearly at a close? Have you been doing vegan or dry January? I have got to be honest my January has been slightly damp on the alcohol stakes and I am just getting into a new routine with exercise...
by Helen | Feb 15, 2018 | Dos and Dont's, General, Health Tips
We’re all busy people aren’t we? Too busy to shop in person – do it online. Too busy to speak to our friends and family – Whatsapp them instead. Too busy to poo? Now we don’t often hear that from people. But life does sometimes get in the way, doesn’t it....
by Helen | Jan 8, 2014 | Health Tips, Videos
Believe it or not, the current toilet seat is a comparatively new invention. It was developed in the Industrial revolution by people who thought it was more ‘dignified’ to sit on a ‘throne’ than the way the natives did. The best way to have a...