I love summer. Lightweight, bright clothes; sunshine; al fresco meals with friends and a good excuse to eat ice cream, what’s not to love? Even the summer has the odd downside though, and one of them is the potential for dehydration in the hotter weather. Around a third of us still don’t drink the optimal amount of water, and it’s such an important part of staying healthy.
If you’re travelling abroad to hotter climates, staying hydrated is even more important. It’s not just hot weather than contributes to dehydration, either: aeroplane travel, long car journeys with air condition, drinking more alcohol and a sudden change in routine can all make a difference.
Our bodies are made up of around two thirds water, so it’s vital to keep those levels topped up. The European Food Safety Authority recommendation is that we should drink around two litres of water a day, but if it’s very hot, you’re doing strenuous exercise or you’re over-weight, you could need to drink a lot more.
It’s best if most of your daily liquid does come from water as it’s the purest form of hydration, but all fluids and some foods count towards your daily intake except alcohol. If you find water boring, try weak tea or coffee, milk, diluted fruit juice or a little bit of cordial.
Common signs of dehydration include headaches, dark urine and general fatigue.
Water is essential for most of the chemical processes that take place in our bodies, and it’s also necessary for flushing out toxins. Although colonic hydrotherapy is no substitute for drinking plenty of water, a session after your holiday is a great way of helping remove any extra toxins that might have built up during a break from your normal routine. It can also be beneficial before you go away, to help combat any bloating or fatigue and make sure you feel good in the those summer clothes.
For support, advice or general health-related chat, why not follow me on Twitter at @CHClinicUK or give me a call on 0161 207 4034? I’m here to help.
Helen x