Step 8 – Exercise, Fitness and Health Goals

Good nutrition is just one part of a healthy lifestyle. Another component of health and fitness is exercise. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you need to get out and get moving. If you want to lose weight, it is important to increase aerobic activity like walking or...

Step 2 – Setting your health and fitness goals

So you have reviewed where you currently are health wise. So the next step is to set goals.  Do you want to lose weight and get fitter and healthier?  Would you like to run up and down the stairs without feeling shattered? Do you want to reduce your cholesterol or...

The New Year Resolution rules!

Its that time of year when most of us will review and make New Year’s Resolutions, unfortunately research shows only 12% of people actually stick to them! Follow these simple rules below to increase your chances!  The Resolution ...