Understanding your digestion – a quick roadmap!

Understanding your digestion – a quick roadmap!

Digestion—our body’s unsung superhero! We eat, and in return, we get a whole package of perks: energy, better sleep, glowing skin, and even a boosted immune system (since 70% of it hangs out in our gut). But what really goes on behind the scenes? Let’s dive in....
You, the Gut Microbiome and the Menopause

You, the Gut Microbiome and the Menopause

Hey there, fabulous ladies! Gather ’round because we’re about to embark on a journey through the fascinating world of menopause and our gut, as we age there are shifts in our gut microbiome but it’s not as gloomy as it might seem! Imagine us, our gut...
My Guilty Pleasure…The Benefits of Dark Chocolate

My Guilty Pleasure…The Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Well here we are in April already, the nights are getting lighter, which means we might finally get a break from the chilly weather! Speaking of breaks, Easter weekend is here 🐣 and some of you lucky folks will be enjoying a full bank holiday weekend. And what...
Self-Care tips perfect for this Valentine’s Day

Self-Care tips perfect for this Valentine’s Day

What constitutes a healthy diet can be confusing. Ideally, we should only eat foods that actively do us good and are nourishing. Every cell in our bodies performs the vital tasks of respiration, growth and repair, and to do the best job possible each cell requires...
How does setting boundaries help your bowels?

How does setting boundaries help your bowels?

Spring has finally sprung! What an amazing week of sunshine, the nights are lighter, and it really puts a spring in your step and energises you too  As promised this month’s blog is all about boundaries and protection…. Something I am continually working on! If I had...