by Helen | Sep 18, 2017 | General, Health Tips
Dear Colonics Queen I keep hearing about drinking water…but really why? Isn’t the 2 litres of coca cola I drink and 6 cups of coffee a day enough…not to mention the tonic I put in my gin at night. Okay my skin is dry and my mouth feels like the bottom of a bird cage...
by Helen | Mar 15, 2017 | Dos and Dont's, Health Tips
Dear Colonics Queen, I can’t believe it! Today I stood on the scales and thought OMG are they lying…?!! I’m sure they must be broken, as I can’t weight that much…. But if I do, how did this happen? I want to scream, or cry (or both) and am currently lying in a heap on...
by Helen | Dec 9, 2015 | General, Health Tips
There are so many demands on our poor, overworked immune systems at this time of year, from dealing with viruses to helping repair the excesses caused by the odd cheeky glass of wine. With so little sunshine at the moment, it’s up to us to look after our immune...
by Helen | Nov 3, 2015 | Dos and Dont's, Health Tips
When you’re splashing through puddles, wiping the rain off your nose and generally getting soggy this autumn, it can be hard to remember how vital water is. In these colder months it’s far more tempting to come in from the cold and have a cup of tea or...
by Helen | Jun 16, 2015 | Dos and Dont's, General, Health Tips
Do you ever feel like your ‘get up and go’ has got up and gone? Modern life can be stressful, and we all have times when it all feels like a little bit too much. Your concentration may suffer, you might feel a bit short tempered and generally less able to...